Getting older is not for wimps. Will and I are not particularly enjoying the feeling that our bodies are sometimes falling apart. He had a hemorrhoidectomy three months ago and still isn't pain free. My knee feels pretty good, but now I have a pinched nerve (probably C-5) that is not responding to the physical therapist, the doctor (other than some temporary relief with cortisone/novicain shots), or the chiropractor. I'm seeing Val Ellis, who went to school with Will. His massage therapist seems to be helping the most, but I'm still hurting. Internet research either suggests having surgery or says that it may take months, but will eventually get better. However, I know that I simply must quit stressing about things, relax (hah!), and retrain my neck and back not to tense up. How long does it take to break a bad habit like that and replace it with a newer and healthier one?

Well, that's a pretty big pity-party. Sorry. Hardly the best way to start a new post.

Adrian and Abi are dealing with the news that Nicholas has autism with their characteristic positive attitude. If anyone can handle a challenge like this, I you two can. I know you will work and research and do everything humanly possible to help him.

We had a couple of short but fun getaways to Utah to stay with Dennis and Alvaretta and watch a couple of BYU basketball games. Their new home is lovely, and they were very gracious hosts.

It's almost unbelievable, but my sister Susan got hit by a car - again. And again, her car was totaled. And again, she found a car like her old one, only newer and a little nicer. We tease her that with her next wreck, she'll have an almost brand new car. She didn't think that was funny.

We're thankful all our kids are working when so many are not. Emily and Bailey moved in with us when she was no longer able to keep her house in Pocatello. Her regional manager says she is planning to transfer her to Utah as a store manager (Hollywood Video) in a few months. (hopefully near Carolyn)

I'm really enjoying being in the Relief Society Presidency. I planned a Sister Share and Swap with another ward. One Saturday morning from 9 - 12 everyone brought "stuff" (think yard sale without big furniture items) and everyone took home stuff - some had several sacks full. We had clothes, canning jars, linens, crafts, toys, books, movies, Christmas stuff - you name it. Several people commented that they were so glad to be able to share their things with someone else who might want them before giving them to DI. After it was over, we still had 3 pickup loads for DI. It was also our DI drive week, so that worked out well. We're doing it again in August and I can't wait.

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