Ft. Worth

We are in Ft. Worth visiting Rebecca, Ben, Scott and Greg. Scott graduated from high school Wednesday night with more than 500 other students in a long, very noisy ceremony. We were surprised to hear people yelling, "We love you, Joanie (etc)!" even during the moment of silence for the teacher who had died and during all the speeches. Afterwards, we saw Michelle and Todd and Michelle's parents who had come from Utah in their motor home. Finally we caught up to Scott and felt bad that we had left our camera in our car at the airport in Utah as everyone took pictures.

We went out to dinner with Scott at IHOP after the graduation and didn't get home until almost 1:00. It was a beautiful night and we are so proud of our grandsons. We have gone to a movie together (the new Indiana Jones), shopped, played games, talked, eaten a delicious meal at Becky's house with Greg grilling steaks on his new $800 grill he got for only $200. Will gave Rebecca a father's blessing and patriarchal teaching and counsel to his grandsons. Will went to a Ranger's game with Greg and so Scott took me home in his new (old) Corolla. Will also gave him a driving lesson on shifting gears, and he is doing great at finding the "friction point." (Greg found the car and had it reupholstered by trading work for work.)

It's been very, very windy which made the 97 degree temps more bearable. I thought only Idaho got this much wind.

When we rented our car at the airport they asked how we would like an upgrade to a Mustang. Duh! Will was on cloud nine - he loves Mustangs! That car has so much power, although it isn't terrible comfortable.

We are so thankful that we were able to make this trip and offer our love and support to this precious family. I hadn't realized how much it would mean to me to be here.

American Idol

I can't believe I got so "into" watching American Idol on TV. Melva's daughter Lori got me started when they spent the night here. I knew that Brook White and David Archuletta were both LDS and was interested in seeing them sing, but could never remember to watch it.

I finally did and boy, was I hooked! I wanted so much for them to do well each time they sang, and not get sent home Wednesday nights after the voting. When Brook was told that she was leaving she started to cry and absolutely sobbed aloud. (She is a very emotional person and every feeling shows on her face and in her voice.) She then had to sing one last time. She sang "I Am, I Said," and that had to have been one of the most difficult exitsongs to sing ever.

David Archuletta, with his sweet humility and Josh Grobanesque voice, wound up being pitted against David Cook, raspy-voiced rocker in the finals. I didn't dislike David Cook (just his songs), but thought David Archuletta had a much better voice. But in the end it is a popularity contest,
and the votes decided in favor of David Cook. David A. smiled and hugged David C. and didn't act at all sad, bless his heart.

And now I'm missing this on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.